Group Architects (Z Group Architects / Caudill Gustafson and Associates) Aspen: Jim Kehoe bought into CGA and worked with Z-Group. Aspen was the launch pad for a cruel and inhuman federally funded program. Corruption and Abuse of Power

March 21, 2017 at 5:52 pm

Hey John, I hope you are doing well! I was hoping you would help us out with your blog. Your brother hasn’t worked for us in over 6 years! He has been at Charles Cunniffe Architects since then. So we haven’t had ANY affiliation with Jim that entire time and will not in the future. Would you please take down your blog about Z-Group? Your blog is hurting our business. I thought you and I got along. I haven’t done anything to you, so please help me out here. I would really appreciate it!
Thank you,



Dear Seth,

It is a certainty that you, your brother Ben among others, knew of the actions being done to me, and the nature of my visit to Aspen. If you need a reminder, just google my name (john joseph kehoe) along with Aspen Snowmass Basalt.

Why would anyone assist in what is being done to me? Statutes of limitations protect you and Jim Kehoe and others involved in Aspen in March and April of 2006. But what do the statutes of limitations mean to someone who has no civil rights, and where legal and law enforcement help is denied 100%?

When I tried to get help from Senator Maurice Hinchey’s office in 2011, I witnessed eager people who eagerly help when asked to lock up an innocent person who had been severely abused and had no freedoms. Need reminders? Just google GBHC John Joseph Kehoe Undavia.

I have your wife’s email due to this comment you wrote on my post. With this, if I sent you an email, would there be police corrupted like so many, arriving at the location of the ip address (a library), saying “people are concerned about you because you are writing crazy things on the internet…..come with us, you obviously have delusions and we will take you some place that will help you get better.”

This is what they did in February 2011. Doctors and their staff were given scripts with printed material of my blogs, to flaunt them as I was harassed, to intimidate me, and when released by June 1st 2011, I erased them and was subdued by more housing abuse, and set ups, while denied my freedoms.

Seth: You (along with my twin and his wife, etc), are a disgrace to Aspen, Colorado, and your Jewish heritage. I share more with old and deceased relatives of my Jewish friends, than I do with Seth and Jim Kehoe my twin. My possessions have been systematically taken all with the source’s knowledge of what meant what to me.

My writing and other work was taken from me. Works on the internet are vulnerable to tampering due to all passwords known to those responsible. I am abused by strangers in public all over, through sanctioning people to behave in directed ways to me.

I am homeless, and they made me live at poverty level beginning in 2006, by taking control of my bank account, and denying me my right to work. That was just the tip of the iceberg.


Thanks you for you comment,




Your tax dollars and the US defense budget paid for the severe disruption of my life after and during my MA study. To this day my hair is cut from behind any opportune time, as I daily endure torture in my tissue from applications of the same weapon systems operated by people that made all I encountered in Aspen in 2006 possible.

Make sure you make no mention of this. That is surely due to having to answer to thepeople who come between me and humanity daily. CGA and Aspen was invariably a part of that. It put Jim in the ideal place to live for him.

(See my, John Kehoe, replies to this message in the comments below on this page)

In Summer of 2004, I returned home to the US from Hunan, China for a visit. My brother informed me that he would be taking a job in Aspen Colorado, so he could not return to NYC with me for a bit a time together before I returned to China. Jim is the most enthusiastic skier I know. He was living and working in St. Louis at the time of my visit.

Jim Kehoe got the job at CGA Architect, while I was enduring harassment nightly disturbing my sleep at Shoayang University, 2004. By 2006 he had bought into the group, and became part of Z-Group.

There are questions of Jim’s hiring at CGA. I do know for a fact the office, and the staff from varying extents were informed of something happening to me, and knew of the people doing it.

“Coercive procedures are designed not only to exploit the resistant source’s internal conflicts and induce him to wrestle with himself but also to bring a superior outside force to bear upon the subject’s resistance.”


Image may contain: 1 person, closeup

John Joseph Kehoe, May 2017, NYC

Image result for jim kehoe aspen colorado architect

Jim , J Kehoe, Aspen Colorado Architect

I would visit Jim in Aspen, but under very different circumstances that my visit to his home in St. Louis in 2004. He and his wife were instrumental in kicking off my persecution by the US, due to a corrupt program that abuses power in order to commit endless cruel and inhuman treatment, isolation, torture, sexual abuse, and more. What was the payoff for Jim, for his work that he was asked to do for this?

In 2003 September, I traveled to Shaoyang, Hunan, China, to take a job as an English instructor at a teacher’s college. Another reason for my decision to travel and reside there, was to continue my Mandarin Chinese education. I also bought books in my MA subject area, so as to prepare for a possible PhD program. I was debt free, had an MA degree awarded in 2003, and fluent in Mandarin Chinese. I read widely in the social sciences, humanities and political science. The more than two dozen academic books I had brought with me were taken from me by 2005. The three semesters at Shaoyang University consisted of US corrupt intelligence officers and their program using weapons systems that interact with the human mind and body, manipulating housing in order to have my nights sleepless until 6 am.

“Stress and anxiety levels both mount as a result of sleepiness.” – page 6-7 in Amanda L. Conrad, Sleep Deprivation Research Paper (November 28, 2006)

In Guangzhou, where I went to study advanced Mandarin in 2005, the same weapon systems where continuously invading my privacy, both environment and cognition. The source of this was able to confiscate my first digital camera, and other electronics. They were also able to keep me 100% isolated from gaining a romantic female partner. I was 40 years old. By mid 2005 the source of this informed my housing and my social network.

Today I have been through more than a decade of serious programs drawn up professionally and referred to in the following. This has been done by denying me the freedom to work, while confiscating all of my possessions; housing me for years in abusive operational housing; torturing me using energy based weapons that irritated and stimulate in aggressive manners my flesh:

“Torture destroys the self and the very foundations of stability; the person undergoing torture can believe in nothing; questions of morality become irrelevant; decisions may become impossible choices; and survival may mean either forced betrayal or lifelong guilt. In a classic paper on brainwashing, three components were noted to be required for breaking down someone’s resistance: debility, dependency, and dread.(11) Even with the utmost of human resiliency, long-term effects of these experiences are likely.”

-Torture and war trauma survivors in primary care practice Harvey M. Weinstein, Laura Dansky and Vincent Iacopino The Western Journal of Medicine. 165.3

“The US military have undertaken research on these receptor sites for many years.  Of the few that have been identified, some can cause temporary blindness; can make you think  you are smelling something that is not there; can cause submissiveness or extreme anxiety .329”  (page 66: sec. 6.3.1 Calmatives: CROWD CONTROL TECHNOLOGIES (An appraisal of
technologies for political control) Final Study Working document for the STOA Panel.  Luxembourg, June 2000 PE

USAF 2025 Report, Human systems and the Brain, and Human Computer Interaction, clearly shows the existence of, or intent to develop, processes to integrate the human brain with computers, by way of frequency. Presently, from the research of this writer, capabilities already exist, but are highly classified. Delivered by either satellite, or over the horizon radar, as well as ionosphere exploiting systems (see *** Begich HAARP). To quote, “a seamless flow of information between human and computer”. That is an application that is proposed for an existing system, namely the IIC satellite system, which has blanket coverage of the earth:

There are numerous ways, using existing systems, IIC satellite, or others hidden in black budgets, as well as the electromagnetic field, to aim radio waves, microwaves, or signals generated from the technologies, in general, at the human organism. The extensive military communications system and radar that has existed in the US for decades may very well have provided the source for delivery of remote behavioral influence transmissions, since the 1950s. Declassified documents from the CIA indicate as fact that the National Institute of Health was the site distributing money to Maitland Baldwin, for MK Ultra subproject 62, in 1956, for researching radio frequency stimulation of the brains of primates. That research used equipment from Rome Air Force Base, Rome New York. ( C. A. Ross, pgs. 103, 290; http://

3 thoughts on “Group Architects (Z Group Architects / Caudill Gustafson and Associates) Aspen: Jim Kehoe bought into CGA and worked with Z-Group. Aspen was the launch pad for a cruel and inhuman federally funded program. Corruption and Abuse of Power

  1. Hey John, I hope you are doing well! I was hoping you would help us out with your blog. Your brother hasn’t worked for us in over 6 years! He has been at Charles Cunniffe Architects since then. So we haven’t had ANY affiliation with Jim that entire time and will not in the future. Would you please take down your blog about Z-Group? Your blog is hurting our business. I thought you and I got along. I haven’t done anything to you, so please help me out here. I would really appreciate it!
    Thank you,

    • I know that many of you know of this affliction that I am enduring. This is a corrupt situation, and that corruption infected CGA. I returned home to the USA in extreme circumstances, much of which you, Seth, had not a real clue about. However much you understood what was going on, was perhaps due to being duped so to speak. This is an abuse of power.

      What business does the people that are the source of this have, in Aspen? In CGA circa 2006?

      What business do they have in knowing anything about me, such as the African American woman I dated when I was 27 years old (I was harassed about that in 2006 onward using intimate facts that only her and I knew). People like this get federal salaries.

      I am off to China to begin my post MA life, and read what happened. In the very end, depleted of hope and despondent, a vulnerability they created, and they have a social group that works for them, befriending me. This is one of the most absurd federally funded (corrupt I might add), things around. Gay sex? Denied intimacy? Now really, is the Outward Bound in extreme?

      I know you are not a bad person. I am sure your skills and those in your office could afford customers with good work. I am sorry this happened. The library is closing so I will work on what you asked, tomorrow. You do know that the source of this stole my laptop using these systems of technology, in China no less. So, I will be here tomorrow. Ciao

      • The office of CGA worked with the people who were disrupting my life in China. That group from US Intelligence may have spied on my entire family Don Kehoe’s of Norwich) for at least 2 decades.

        James Gustafson, it is my contention, was informed and used. I would be more than happy to inform anyone in what way he was directed. Not all but some of his interactions, staged choreographed situation was part of the actions done to me. Jim’s hire is questionable. Did anyone in the office know of the nature of my visit to Aspen? I do think that all of you, however misled, knew. Jim’s co-worker from St Louis and his wife Sunny were perhaps unaware.

        So, the true culprit is Jim. The people doing this have for decades practiced and perfected the art of manipulation. I am so sorry this befell to you and others, that for the most part were simply informed onlookers.

        These people know all about my father’s finances, in the 1980s and 1990s. They know everything about me. I cannot have any experience devoid of their prying technological intrusions. This is the backdrop of what they do, arrange for actions based on all they collect about everything in my life.

        CGA was involved in this. You are not alone, as they have corrupted libraries endlessly in horrible protracted actions, using children in harassment based on instituting sexual humiliation in one man, me, using innuendos of pedophilia in choreographed settings. This is federal money (defense budget in the black). These are trained specialists who receive federal salaries. I am forever linked to a system that is interactive with the human bio-neural nature.

        “Historian and expert on the subject of the CIA and torture, Alfred McCoy, writes, “Although seemingly less brutal, no-touch torture leaves deep psychological scars. The victims often need treatment to recover from trauma far more crippling than physical pain” -The Boston Globe.

        “To intensify disorientation, interrogators often escalate to attacks on personal identity by sexual humiliation.”- Alfred McCoy

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